Mojo Stitches - Two from Tasmania
Mojo Stitches - Two from Tasmania
Mojo Stitches - Two from Tasmania
Combining 2 previous retreat/shop exclusives, this FULL COLOUR chart captures the beauty and resilience of Tasmania's plants and animals.
The charts have been provided in colour to clearly indicate the placement of these embroidery stitches.
Model Fabric: Sampler: 36ct Bush Tea by JaysXStitch linen, Pillow: 36 ct Flax by Zweigart
Stitch Count: 142 w x 178 h and 64 w x 70 h
Threads: Models stitched in a stunning Cottage Garden Threads palette using full crosses over 2, French Knots, Smyrna Crosses and long backstitches. DMC and overdye conversions included.
Approx. Size:
Year: 2022
Includes: Counted Cross Stitch Pattern/s with Materials List & Instructions
*Due to Copyright Restrictions Patterns are Not Returnable